He is a Cuban-born visual artist born in Havana in 1969. He received the Grand Prize in the First Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art in 1995, as well as The Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grant in 2015
Estévez graduated from the Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana, Cuba, in 1992. He has done residencies at the Academia de San Carlos, UNAM, Mexico (1997), Gasworks Studios, London, England (1997), the UNESCO-ASCHBERG in The Nordic Artists’ Center in Dale, Norway (1998), Art-OMI Foundation, New York, USA (1998), The Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA, USA (2002), Cité internationale des arts in Paris, (2003–2004), Montclair University, New Jersey, USA (2005), and the McColl Center in Charlotte, NC, USA (2016). He received the Grand Prize in the First Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art in 1995, as well as The Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grant in 2015.
His work at the McColl Center in Charlotte formed the foundation for what would eventually become an extensive proficiency in ceramics. In the four months that he spent at the center, he made over 200 ceramic pieces. His plates, especially, have a unique elegance and concentrate on color, expressive shapes, and thematic abstractions that refer to architecture, astronomy, and anatomy