Les Yombe forment un peuple d’Afrique centrale, établi au Mayombe, au centre de la République démocratique du Congo, dans le sud-ouest de la République du Congo et au Cabinda (Angola). Ils appartiennent au grand groupe des Kongos.La partie du clan ana a Mongo le plus à l’Ouest.

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In 1981 there was an estimated 15,000 people of the Yombe, living in an area of 625 square miles (1,620 km2). The Ba Yombe refers to people among the tumbuka of Zambia. Another group, also referred to as the Mayombe people, live in the south-western part of the Republic of the Congo, with others living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola. The most common language of the Yombe is the Tumbuka language.

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The Yombe are primarily involved in agricultural production, growing crops such as plantains, maize, beans, manioc, peanuts, and yams. Though they grow primarily for food supply, they also sell their crops at the market. Goats, pigs and chickens are raised and fishing is practised on the Congo River. Adept at crafts and art, the men are involved in weaving, carving, and smelting, and the women make clay pots.

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The artistry of Yombe figurines and statues is well known, usually objects of prestige, kings seated on the throne, or female phemba(maternity) statues. Nkisi nkonde figurines, masks and drums are also made for ceremonies. Their funerary figures are renowned for their realistic depictions.

The supreme deity of the Yombe is Ngoma Bunzi, who hails from an unreachable realm called Yulu. He is contacted via Nzambi a Tsi (earth spirits) and Simbi (river spirits). The Yombe people build shrines as memorials to prominent ancestors, such as village chiefs who has special powers. The Yombe people of northern Zambia believe that people have three different identities: biological, social, and spiritual. Their social standing affects the type of funeral which might be given.

kongo yombe
kongo yombe

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Diviner’s Mask
Diviner’s Mask
Sceptre Kongo Yombe
Sceptre Kongo Yombe
Yombe-sculpture in Louvre, Paris
Yombe-sculpture in Louvre, Paris

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