Agnieszka PILAT
Agnieszka PILAT
agnes pilat
agnes pilat

We  live  in a  cultish  age  of technology.

 This  is machine age.  This is my tribute.

Electric Panda 50″ x 50″ Oil on Belgian Linen

La Generala 50″ x 50″ Oil on Board

Amazing Grace 50″ x 50″ Oil on board

Space Ball 48″ x 48″ Oil on linen

Superhuman 36″ x 36″ Oil on Board

I paint heroic portraits of aging technology. My work pays tribute to industry while confronting humanity’s fear towards automation. I like to arrange my   machines in a formal composition, creating heroic portraits of the aristocracy of the past. These aren’t quick snapshots from a cellphone or Polaroid camera, but instead staged photographs… like old family albums or royal portraits. They are posing for their rightful place in the museum halls of royal posterity. They are both witnesses and agents of change. These paintings strive to do the impossible for their subjects… help them to transcend time.

Red Paul 48″ x 48″ Oil on Board

Celluloid Hero 48″ x 48″ Oil on Board

Whisper 50″ x 50″ Oil on Belgian Linen


art by Pilat

As removed from the complex inner workings of machines as we are today, few are familiar with the sight of an engine casing. Less familiar still, is the sight of one swathed in a thick fur coat. Yet, this is exactly what confronts the viewer in Emperor, an artwork from Agnieszka Pilat’s newest series, #disrupt. Layers of cool grey hide a warm undercoat that peeks, rust-like, through the top of the canvas. While, front and center, a machine fragments into abstraction, obscuring the already ambiguous subject

agnes pilat
agnes pilat

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